Do you ever come across fabric that’s so beautiful, so perfect, that you can imagine making several garments out of it? Then, when it’s time to actually make something with the fabric, you’re frozen becauseContinue reading
Seamwork has released some gorgeous patterns over the last few months and one of my favorites is Meg. This romantic, A-line dress is absolutely perfect. I sewed my Meg with the bonus puff sleeves,Continue reading
All March, Minerva has highlighted beautiful garments made with McCall’s patterns! I was fortunate enough to receive a McCall’s pattern and fabric from Minerva to whip up my own creation. The pattern I chose,Continue reading
Although it’s the middle of January and there’s snow in the forecast, I’m looking ahead to the warm weather of Spring. The days are finally getting longer, and it’s not pitch black when IContinue reading
Well, here it is - my last make of 2021. I’m in this weird part of the year, where I’m unsure which day or what time it is. It also doesn’t help that we’veContinue reading