Do you ever come across fabric that’s so beautiful, so perfect, that you can imagine making several garments out of it? Then, when it’s time to actually make something with the fabric, you’re frozen becauseContinue reading
So many of my sewing projects are fairly quick and easy sews – projects that can be started and completed in one long weekend. This Chilton Trench coat by Cashmerette, however, is not one ofContinue reading
Hello March! Spring is a-coming – I’m hopped up on allergy medicine and am ready to talk about my newest springtime outfit! Last summer, I made a shorts version of the Yanta overalls byContinue reading
Happy February! I can’t believe we’re halfway through Winter already. I don’t love Spring (due to my allergies), but I’m seriously aching for longer days and more sunshine. I’m ready to take walks throughContinue reading
Although it’s the middle of January and there’s snow in the forecast, I’m looking ahead to the warm weather of Spring. The days are finally getting longer, and it’s not pitch black when IContinue reading