I am so incredibly honored to be one of the pattern testers for Cashmerette's new offering, the Roseclair Dress. When the Cashmerette team reached out to me in April about this collaboration between themContinue reading
I’ve wanted to make a cute shirt dress for a while but haven’t really found any patterns that jumped out at me. They’re either too fussy or shapeless or needlessly complicated. Then, about aContinue reading
I have been in such a bright and sunny mood lately! I think it has to do with the weather and the fact that I can finally make plans to visit my friends andContinue reading
Is there anything better than a nice, cozy robe? Robes are one of those items that seem like a simple purchase, but it can be incredibly frustrating to find the right one. I oftenContinue reading
I recently received a pair of jeans in a mystery box that look like absolute poop on me. The revival of 90s fashion warms my 90s teenage heart, but some styles deserve to dieContinue reading